Welcome to NM-AIST Online Admission System

Important Information

Application Guidelines

View screenshoots below on how to apply

Payment Information


Control Number Generation

After registration and login into the system | fill in personal information and submit to get control number

  1. Register
  2. Login
  3. Fill in personal information
  4. control number and payment information will be display

Payment inside Tanzania

Payment of application fee is mandatory | You can pay by using three methods listed below :-

  1. Payment can be done in any bank
  2. Mobile networks
  3. Online payment using MasterCard or Visa Card

Payment outside Tanzania

Payment of application fee is mandatory | You can pay by using two methods listed below :-

  1. Any bank through money transfer
  2. Online payment using MasterCard or Visa Card

After Payment

After payment automatically you can access application menu and get payment receipt by

  1. Click payment menu
  2. Click download icon

Contact Us

Contact Form


P.O.BOX 447,NM-AIST, Arusha, Tanzania



Email Address
